Semester 2- Are you ready?

Let's talk about Personal Finance:

This next quarter (3), we are going to start off by working on cars and loans.  There is so much information that is available to you online, but we are going to do some basics.  We will have a speaker come in to talk about insurance, and we will talk about how the car buying process works as well as what you can afford in different situations.  Make sure to follow closely on Google classroom to answer questions and read scenarios that can benefit you!

Basic Science world: 

We are going to take a lot of time to talk about Force and Energy then move into Simple machines.  I have some great hands on things planned for class, so be there!  Also, we will start to talk about our Native Species garden and begin to get things ready for planting.  This will be a big project for us.


We are continuing our learning about the body and it's systems.  We will work on the Heart and circulatory system, move into respiratory system, and talk about the endocrine system.  There is a lot of vocabulary, so keep up on your studying, and make sure you ask questions!

Lab 10:

As we get ready to take the PSAT, we will continue our grammar, math, and vocabulary.  With that in mind, be ready to continue your Khan academy as well!  This can be done at home when you have time if you don't have the time to get it done in class.

I wanted to take a moment and add a link to some great studying resources:
How To Study
My Study Life
