So many exciting things are going on!

It is almost the end of Quarter 1.  In Personal Finance we have completed lessons on making decisions, making money, setting goals, budgeting, and living on your own!  We have gotten a few games from a donation and I am looking forward to using them!  One is called "Act your Wage!"  Looking forward to next quarter, we will complete lessons on Buying a Home, Banking Services, Credit and Credit Cards.

In science we have covered the nature of science, intro to life science, ecosystems and a little about population dynamics.  We will be moving into cell structure and function as well as Photosynthesis and then genetics.  Right now we are observing and predicting the color changes of leaves as they die.  We have some sugar maple leaves and some white oak leaves.  The kids have different predictions as to how long it will take them to turn brown  We have quite the spectrum of semi-dead leaves right now!

In Biology we are finishing up population dynamics and will be starting with the Evolution lessons next quarter. 

Something that I really wanted to take a moment to talk about is the recycling efforts that are happening on behalf of the Esky Environmental club.  We are participating in #TrickOrTrash with the help of Lemmer, the Junior high, and the senior high.  There are lessons that my students will hopefully be able to share with the younger students.  Also we are participating in plastic bag recycling which will start November 15 and run until April 15.  The more bags we can recycle the better!  Finally we will be recycling chip bags as well!  I need to get some worms to start my composter in the classroom and we are going to be on our way to a better environment!  Take it one step at a time right!
